The Magic Appearing Act

Every magician of any worth can do the magic disappearing act.  Ask David Copperfield.  He can fly.  Hot girls can saw him in half.  He can escape from a safe inside a building that’s about to be detonated.  He can hurtle himself over Niagara Falls.  He can make the Statue of Liberty disappear.  This dude is the magician of magicians!  I have no plans, and will make no attempt to make myself disappear.  On the contrary, this is my magic re-appearing act.  Many of you know me, but haven’t spoken with me in years.  Others of you only know me from the myths I leave in the wake of every place I go.  Others of you don’t know me at all, but if you experience anything I’ve created, you soon will.

I’ve made a lot of stuff.  I’ve made so much stuff that I don’t even know where all the stuff I made is.  Somewhere across a dozen hard drives, there lies the complete works of Baker.  I’ve been digging long enough that i’ve found a lot of the good stuff, but there are things I remember creating that I can’t find for the life of me.  Regardless, I’ve decided to publicly share at least some of the good stuff which has lied dormant in 0s and 1s since the day I created it who knows when… maybe 9 years ago?

Be it sound or image, I am an artist.  Welcome to my world.

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