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You come from a world where things don’t alway turn out splendid. You have to be constantly fearful of things that might do you harm. Few things harm as much as germs. Germs make you sick. You are deathly afraid of germs and the havoc they can cause to your health.

You take one look at a happy pellet. In your minds eye, you can see thousands of little bacterium crawling around on it. This repulses you, and you decide that perhaps it isn’t the greatest idea to eat this pellet.

“I can’t do it mister fish,” you say.

“That’s fine with me,” says the fish. “More for me! You sure are missing out though.”

You grab a handful of the pellets and throw them into the pond.

“Thank you greatly,” says the fish.

“You’re welcome mister fish,” you reply.

After you’ve fed the fish the entire bag, you decide to have a look around. This meadow is absolutely beautiful. It appears to be surround on all sides by a plethora of different trees. You can make out Aspen trees, Pine Trees, Oak Trees, Cottonwood Trees, and all sorts of other types of trees you don’t even have names for.

Off on the other side of the meadow, right near the edge of the trees, you notice a grand stone table. You walk over to take a look at it. It’s a circular table that appears to be held up by six granite columns. The top of the table is a sort of bluish marble. There are all sorts of interesting striation patterns in the marble. You sit down to examine them a little more closely.

You look at the marble and can vaguely see all sorts of forms in the lines. “This is kind of like staring at the clouds,” you say to yourself. You start counting on your hands to different forms you see. When you get to ten, you realize there must be hundreds of forms hidden in these lines. You know that if you wanted to, you could sit here for hours and find them all. But you’re content with the ten forms you found and decide that there are probably more adventures to be had if you make your way in to the forest.

You begin to walk the edge of the meadow until you find a small clearing in the trees that appears to be the opening to a path. You duck under some low branches and enter this path. The path seems to alternate between going straight for long distances, and then bending and winding erratically. It adds a sort of rhythm to your journey. Just as you begin to get bored with the straight path, it starts winding. Just as you lose interest in the never ending curves, it becomes straight again.

After journeying some ways, you notice that the trees are starting to thin out. You travel a little while longer, then notice that off to the left the trees appear to become incredibly dense again. You’re curious about this growth, so you head in that direction. Within five minutes of entering this dense patch of trees you are lost. There is an incline some ways ahead, and you think that perhaps if you get to the top of a hill, you’ll be able to gather your bearings. You begin to climb this hill when just off to the side you notice the opening to a small cave. You realize that it may provide good shelter in case you have to spend the night in the woods, so you walk up to the opening of the cave and enter it.